Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Orin's flawed argument on IP address privacy

In the PlayPen cases, judges have ruled that if you use the Tor network, then you don't have a reasonable expectation of privacy. It's a silly demonstration of how the law is out of sync with reality, since the entire point of using Tor is privacy.

Law prof Orin Kerr has a post discussing it. His conclusion is correct, that when the FBI exploits 0day and runs malware on your computer, then it's a search under the Fourth Amendment, requiring a warrant upon probable cause.

However, his reasoning is partly flawed. The title of his piece, "Remotely accessing an IP address inside a target computer is a search", is factually wrong. The IP address in question is not inside a target computer. This may be meaningful.

First, let's discuss how the judge reasons that there's no expectation of privacy with Tor. This is a straightforward application if the Third Party Doctrine, that as soon as you give something to a third party, your privacy rights are lost. Since you give your IP address to Tor, you lose privacy rights over it. You don't have a reasonable expectation of privacy: yes, you have an expectation of privacy, but it's not a reasonable one, and thus it's not protected.

The same is true of all your other digital information. Your credit card receipts, phone metadata, email archive, and all the rest of things you want to keep private on the Internet are not (currently) covered by the Fourth Amendment.

If you are thinking this is bullcrap, then you'd be right. Everyone knows the Third Party Doctrine doesn't fit the Internet. We want these things to be private from the government, meaning, that they must get a warrant to access them. But it's going to take a clueful Supreme Court overturning past precedence or an armed revolution in order to change things.

But that doesn't necessarily fit this case.  As Orin Kerr's post points out:
Fourth Amendment law regulates how the government learns information, not what information it learns
In other words, it doesn't matter if the FBI is allowed to get your IP address, they still need a warrant to search your computer. If you've got public information in your house, the FBI still needs a warrant to enter your house in order to get it.

Where Orin's argument is flawed is the fact that the IP address isn't on the computer being searched by the FBI's "NIT" malware. In other cases, the FBI will be able to discover a target's IP address without a search of their computer. His post would be better entitled something like "Infecting with malware is always a search" instead.

The way the Internet works is that computers have a local IP address that's meaningful only on the local network (like the one inside your home). For example, my laptop currently has the address This may, in fact, be the same address as your laptop. That's because the addresses starting with 192,168.x.x is extremely popular for home networks (along with 10.x.x.x). It's like how we both can have the address 1079 Elm Str, just in different cities, since every city has "Elm Street" somewhere.

As data leaves your computer, the local address is translated (network address translation) into a public IP address. Google "what's my ip address", and it will tell you your public IP address. Google knows it, but your computer doesn't.

Instead, it's your home router that knows your public IP address, using your public IP on the Internet and local IP on your home network.

This Cisco router knows my public IP address
It can get even more complicated. When I travel, I use my iPhone as a wifi hotspot. But my iPhone is given a local IP address within the cellphone company's network. This address is shared with hundreds of other cellphone customers. Thus, it's AT&T's routers which knows my public IP address, neither my phone nor my laptop knows it.

Phone doesn't know public IP, only local 10.x.x.x local IP

In the PlayPen case, the FBI discovers the target's public IP address by causing it to transmit information to the FBI. This information goes through the network address translator, and when it arrives on the FBI server, has the public IP address associated with it. In other words, the point where it's discovered is on the FBI's server located in Quantico, not within the "NIT" malware running on the person's computer. The malware on the computer does not "access" the IP address in any fashion --- but by generating traffic from inside the home, it causes the IP address to be revealed outside the home.

Rather than using malware to infect a computer, the FBI might try other ways to discover a suspect's IP address. They might host a PDF or Word document on the server that has a simple image tag pointing to the FBI's server. When the user opens the document, their Acrobat/Word program isn't protected by Tor. There computer will then contact the FBI's server looking for the image, revealing their public IP address. In this example, no exploit or malware is being used. In fact, Tor warns users about this problem. The target is willfully revealing their public IP address purely because they are unaware of the meaning of their actions.

If this were how the FBI were discovering the IP address, rather than using malware, then the judge's reasoning would (probably) be correct. Since the FBI relied upon user stupidity rather than malware, no search was done.

I'd like to see Orin update his post. Either to clarify, contrary to what his title says, that what he really means is "Running malware on a target is always a search". Or conversely, describe how this "image tag" example is, despite my feelings, a search.

As a wholly separate note, I'd like to point out a different flaw in the judge's reasoning. Yes, the entry Tor node knows your IP address, but it doesn't know it belongs to you or is associated with your traffic. Yes, the exit Tor knows your traffic, but it doesn't know your IP address.

Technically, both your traffic and IP address are public (according to the Third Party Doctrine), but the private bit is the fact that the two are related. The "Tor network" isn't a single entity, but a protocol for how various different entities work together. No single entity in the Tor network sees your IP address combined with your activity or identity. Even when the FBI and NSA themselves run Tor nodes, they still can't piece it together. It is a private piece of information.

In other words, the 4 digit PIN number for your ATM card is located in this document, so it's a public number. But which PIN belongs to you is still a secret. Or, consider this website that lists all possible IP addresses, which one is yours is the secret.

Thus, the judge is wrong. The private information is not the public IP address. The private information is the public IP address combined with the traffic. The person isn't trying to keep their public IP address private, what they are trying to keep private is the fact that this IP address access the PlayPen servers.


This is a stupid post, because it doesn't disagree with Orin's conclusion: FBI running malware always needs a warrant, even if the information they are after is public. However, the technical details are wrong -- the IP address the FBI is after is located nowhere inside the computer they are searching.

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