Sunday, September 14, 2014

Hacker "weev" has left the United States

Hacker Andrew "weev" Auernheimer, who was unjustly persecuted by the US government and recently freed after a year in jail when the courts agreed his constitutional rights had been violated, has now left the United States for a non-extradition country:

I wonder what that means. On one hand, he could go full black-hat and go on a hacking spree. Hacking doesn't require anything more than a cheap laptop and a dial-up/satellite connection, so it can be done from anywhere in the world.

On the other hand, he could also go full white-hat. There is lots of useful white-hat research that we don't do because of the chilling effect of government. For example, in our VNC research, we don't test default password logins for some equipment, because this can be interpreted as violating the CFAA. However, if 'weev' never intends on traveling to an extradition country, it's something he can do, and report the results to help us secure systems.

Thirdly, he can now freely speak out against the United States. Again, while we theoretically have the right to "free speech", we see how those like Barret Brown are in jail purely because they spoke out against the police-state.


  1. USA.setTrollCount(USA.getTrollCount() - 1);

  2. Whoever wrote this article is a gullible retard, weev didn't even hack anything, he just took credit for it so dumbasses like the guy who wrote this would give him attention.


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