Wednesday, March 25, 2015

x86 is a high-level language

Just so you know, x86 machine-code is now a "high-level" language. What instructions say, and what they do, are very different things.

I mention this because of those commenting on this post on OpenSSL's "constant-time" calculations, designed to avoid revealing secrets due to variations in compute time. The major comment is that it's hard to do this perfectly in C. My response is that it's hard to do this even in x86 machine code.

Consider registers, for example. Everyone knows that the 32-bit x86 was limited to 8 registers, while 64-bit expanded that to 16 registers. This isn't actually true. The latest Intel processors have 168 registers. The name of the register in x86 code is really just a variable name, similar to how variables work in high-level languages.

So many registers are needed because the processor has 300 instructions "in flight" at any point in time in various stages of execution. It rearranges these instructions, executing them out-of-order. Everyone knows that processors can execute things slightly out-of-order, but that's understated. Today's processors are massively out-of-order.

Consider the traditional branch pair of a CMP (compare) followed by a JMPcc (conditional jump). While this is defined as two separate instructions as far as we humans are concerned, it's now a single instruction as far as the processor is concerned.

Consider the "xor eax, eax" instruction, which is how we've traditionally cleared registers. This is never executed as an instruction, but just marks "eax" as no longer used, so that the next time an instructions needs the register, to allocate a new (zeroed) register from that pool of 168 registers.

Consider "mov eax, ebx". Again, this doesn't do anything, except rename the register as far as the processor is concerned, so that from this point on, what was referred to as ebx is now eax.

The processor has to stop and wait 5 clock cycles to read something from L1 cache, 12 cycles for L2 cache, or 30 cycles for L3 cache. But because the processor is massively out-of-order, I can continue executing instructions in the future that don't depend upon this memory read. This includes other memory reads. Inside the CPU, the results always appear as if the processor executed everything in-order, but outside the CPU, things happen in strange order.

This means any attempt to get smooth, predictable execution out of the processor is very difficult. That means "side-channel" attacks on x86 leaking software crypto secrets may always be with us.

One solution to these problems is the CMOV, "conditional move", instruction. It's like a normal "MOV" instruction, but succeeds or fails based on condition flags. It can be used in some cases to replace branches, which makes pipelined code more efficient in some cases. Currently, it takes constant time. When moving from memory, it still waits for data to arrive, even when it knows it's going to throw it away. As Linus Torvalds famously pointed out, CMOV doesn't always speed up code. However, that's not the point here -- it does make code execution time more predictable. But, at the same time, Intel can arbitrarily change the behavior on future processors, making it less predictable.

The upshot is this: Intel's x86 is a high-level language. Coding everything up according to Agner Fog's instruction timings still won't produce the predictable, constant-time code you are looking for. There may be some solutions, like using CMOV, but it will take research.


grawity said...

Doesn't "mov eax, ebx" mean that the same register will be known as ebx and eax (until either is modified)?

Anonymous said...

Inside the CPU, the results always appear as if the processor executed everything in-order, but outside the CPU, things happen in strange order. - shouldn't inside and outside be swapped in this sentence?

Unknown said...

@richie: "inside the CPU results appear..." means "from the machine code point of view the model is sequential execution" whereas "outside the CPU, things happen in strange order" means "if you look at the accesses to the main memory for instance, then the order will not match what you could expect after having seen the machine code".

Anonymous said...

So don’t do that! There’s no need to try to write constant time code… just do a random amount of extra computation, so that the variability due to the inputs is masked.

Gregory Maxwell said...

> just do a random amount of extra computation, so that the variability due to the inputs is masked

So now I cause you to repeat the same secret operation many times and average out your 'random' fuzzing.

Congrats: Your users have just been compromised. Anyone can write a cryptosystem strong enough that they can't break it.

When you have any leak at all, it's very hard to be certain that some slightly more advanced technique, or a somewhat unusual use pattern by the user won't break it wide open.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you just time how long it takes and then wait enough to make the total time constant?

Flavorscape said...

not to mention numbers will always be pseudo-random, so the very act of generating the numbers might be revealing of system time (for the seed). not sure if it would be possible to glean, but perhaps with enough samples.

Tophwells said...

103630556429841826282 : That's a better idea, but what do you do if the computation takes longer than your "total time"? Some information will still be leaked.

Unknown said...

Where is all this stuff documented, what the instructions actually do in hardware? Just curious.


Seems like one defense against timing attacks would be to schedule your reply. Regardless of how long the string compare took, you'll respond with the result x msec from now. That seems like it'd work for a remote service at least, as long as you leave enough time to actually perform the compare.


Er, s/took/will take/. You schedule the reply before doing the compare. You might schedule it for (x * #chars) msec from now, so that you don't run out of time for longer compares, if that's a concern (and leaking the length of the input string isn't).

Anonymous said...

So do what you'd do in a high-level language - use that language's crypto library. No?

Processors already contain "hardware" (often a lesser or greater amount of µcode) AES implementations and RNGs. The requirements of crypto are quite different from those of normal code. Processors need to explicitly support it.

Must said...

So don’t do that! There’s no need to try to write constant time code… just do a random amount of extra computation, so that the variability due to the inputs is masked. more info

Heath Trivett said...

Inside the CPU, the results always appear as if the processor executed everything in-order, but outside the CPU, things happen in strange order. - shouldn't inside and outside be swapped in this sentence??