Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Its V-A day....

In a few hours I’ll be taking the stage at Blackhat DC to give a Device Drivers 2.0 talk. This is an updated version of the material from Blackhat Vegas as well as new information about how to find and exploit wireless device driver vulnerabilities. The last 20 minutes of the presentation are devoted to Apple. Since I am no longer gagged I will finally, publicly refute the statements Apple made concerning never sharing anything with them. I will go through the timeline of what was shared, when, and what vulnerability it will point to. I am unfortunately unable to present any material sent to my email address at my former employer, but what I can share definitely destroys the claims that Jon and I were irresponsible, frauds, and shared nothing with Apple.

Bluetooth vuln...Nobody said anything about a Bluetooth vuln...
UPDATE: It was just mentioined to me how funny it is that the book I co-wrote about this here tells you how to findthese vulns. I guess my pundits didn't feel the drive to try it...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Preach on man, and I'm completely happy that you aer no longer gagged. That whole muddy time last year was just stupid and I'm glad you can set things right.

Good luck and I look forward to catching your presentation(s) in person or on the net someday soon!