Monday, September 10, 2007


So I am done with my month long project and although parts of it will be public later this week, all I can say is its a 3 part research project entitled "Past...Present...Future..."

UPDATE: The "Past" portion of the 3 paper arch was just published at Uninformed.
We have "Present" and "Future" looming...

Here is a pick of the home office I have been working from, this setup is mostly duplicated everywhere else I would work from, I thought you might just want to see what the fuss is about.

Now that the project is done I gotta get back on the blogging track: I gotta post my Blackhat Vegas writeup, publish my pwnie acceptance speech, and what we are working on next.


Unknown said...

So, we've got a whole bunch of computers, a collection of serious firearms, some drugs, and a bit of cash. What is it that you do for a living again?

David Maynor said...

I fix problems.

David Maynor said...

The drugs are Adderall, BTW. Damn that ADHD.

Don C. Weber said...

Is that a box cutter as well? I guess the better question is: What are you planning?


Ryan Russell said...


Is that 2 dollars?

Alex said...

and you need the assault rifles for… deer hunting?

Anonymous said...

Yea, now we know how you fix problems...

Anonymous said...

well then. you are most decidedly out of your skull completely.

Mike said...

ADHD + guns must make for interesting days...

Erik J. Barzeski said...

"Here is a pick of the home office"

Or did you mean "pic"? :-P

John said...

Is your Mac Kernel Panicked?

David Maynor said...

I don't NEED them for anything. I WANT them because I compete in shooting competitions. Besides, I don’t hunt. No reason to kill an animal you aren’t going to eat.

David Maynor said...

@brandon lynch
Yes I am, as you can see by the pic I have an iPhone.


David Maynor said...


xbasque said...

you know , once you get past the guns , what strikes me is the contrast between the hi-tech gadgetry and the very traditional furniture and architecture . i don't mean this as a criticism , but as a general observation - you're setup is rather typical . to me it's a bit like installing a navigation system in a horse-drawn carriage .

Unknown said...

Is one of those an HK416??

David Maynor said...

Nope, although I would love one if HK ever sells them to civilans.

Its a PS90, a RockRiver CAR AR4, and a Sig 556.

Alex said...

i hope that at least that the magazines aren't loaded. also… don't you have a gun cabinet? i mean, high-powered weaponry isn't the kind of thing you just leave propped against the wall is it?

Doogman said...

Wow. Guns Guns Guns (in Clarence Bodecker voice)...

Dr. Freud, line 1

David S. said...

Warren Zevon famously called for "lawyers, guns and money", nowadays it's programmers, guns, money and drugs. Go figure.

Paul said...

Looking at the light switch (upper left corner in pic), it appears you've either got a crappy carpenter or electrician or you've got a customised doorway. What's up with that?

David Maynor said...

I don't keep loaded rifles around. The are lined up becasue I had shot them a few hours early and they were awaiting cleaning.

David Maynor said...

Te building was built in 1908, before light switches were in ever room. That snafu is a result of adding them in later.