Burning micro SD card
We are going to edit the SD card before booting, so for completeness, I thought I'd describe the process of burning an SD card.We are going to download the latest "raspbian" operating system. I download the "lite" version because I'm not using the desktop features. It comes as a compressed .zip file which we need to extract into an .img file. Just double-click on the .zip on Windows or Mac.
The next step is to burn the image to an SD card. On Windows I use Win32DiskImager. On Mac I use the following command-line steps:
$ sudo -s
# mount
# diskutil unmount /dev/disk2s1
# dd bs=1m if=~/Downloads/2018-06-27-raspbian-stretch-lite.img of=/dev/disk2 conv=sync
First, I need a root prompt. I then use the mount command to find out where the micro SD card is mounted in the file system. It's usually /dev/disk2s1, but could be disk3 or disk4 depending upon other things that may already be mounted on my Mac, such as USB drives or dmg files. It's important to know the correct drive because the dd utility is unforgiving of mistakes and can wipe out your entire drive. For gosh's sake, don't use disk1!!!! Remember dd stands for danger-danger (well, many claim it stands for disk-dump, but seriously, it's dangerous).
The next step is to unmount the drive. Instead of the Unix umount utility use the diskutil unmount macOS tool.
Now we use good ol' dd to copy the image over. The above example is my recently download raspbian image that's two months old. When you do this, it'll be a newer version with a different file name, so look in your ~/Downloads folder for the correct name.
This takes a while to write to the SD card. You can type [ctrl-T] to see progress if you want.
When we are done writing, don't eject the card. We are going to edit the contents as described below before we stick it into our Raspberry Pi. After running dd, it's going to become automatically mounted on your Mac, on mine it comes up as /Volumes/boot. When I say "root directory of the SD card" in the instructions below, I mean that directory.
Troubleshooting: If you get the "Resource busy" error when running dd, it means you didn't unmount the drive. Go back and run diskutil unmount /dev/disk2s1 (or equivalent for whatever mount tell you which drive the SD card is using).
You can use the "raw" disk instead of normal disk, such as /dev/rdisk2. I don't know what the tradeoffs are.
The RPi B comes with Ethernet built-in. You simply need to hook up the Ethernet cable to your network to automatically get an IP address. Or, you can directly connect the Ethernet to your laptop -- that that'll require some additional steps.
For a RPi Zero, you can attach a USB Ethernet adapter via an OTG converter to accomplish the same goal. However, in the next section, we'll describing using a OTG gadget instead, which is better.
We want to use Ethernet to ssh into the device, but there's a problem: the ssh service is not enabled by default in Raspbian. To enable it, just create a file ssh (or ssh.txt) in the root directory of the SD card. On my Macbook, it looks like:
$ touch /Volumes/boot/ssh
Eject the SD card, stick it into your Raspberry Pi, and boot it. After the device has booted, you'll need to discover its IP address. On the local network from your Macbook, with the "Bonjour" service, you can just use the hostname "raspberrypi.local" (you can install Bonjour on Windows with iTunes, or the avahi service on Linux). Or, you can sniff the network with tcpdump. Or, you can scan for port 22 on the network with nmap or masscan. Or, you can look on your router's DHCP status page to see what was assigned.
When there is a direct Ethernet-to-Ethernet connection on your laptop, the RPi won't get an IP address because there is not DHCP service running on your laptop. In that case, the RPi will have an address in the range 169.254.x.x, or a link-local IPv6 address. You can discover which one via sniffing, or again, via Bonjour using raspberrypi.local.
Or, you can turn on "connection sharing" in Windows or macOS. This sets up your laptop to NAT the Ethernet out through your laptop's other network connection (such as WiFi). This also provides DHCP to the device. On my macBook, it assigns the RPi an address like or
![]() |
System preferences -> Sharing |
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Allowing Ethernet devices to share WiFi connection to Internet |
In the above example, the RPi is attached via my Thunderbolt Ethernet cable. I could also have used a USB Ethernet, or RNDIS Ethernet (described below).
The default login for Raspbian is username pi and password raspberry. To ssh to the device, use a command line like:
$ ssh pi@raspberrypi.local
$ ssh pi@
Some troubleshooting tips. If you get an error "connection refused", that means the remote SSH service isn't running. It has to generate a new, random, SSH key the first time it runs, so startup can take a while. I just waited another minute and tried again, and everything worked. If you get an error "connection closed", then it borked generating a key on the first startup. The service is running, and allowing the connection, then closing it because it has no key to use. There's no hope for things at this point other than reflashing the SD card and starting over from scratch, or logging in some other way and fixing the SSH installation manually. I had this problem happen once, I don't know why, and ended up just starting over from scratch.
RPi Zero OTG Ether Gadget
The Raspberry PI Zero (not the other models) supports OTG (On-The-Go) USB. That means it can be something on either end of a USB cable, either a host or a device. Among the devices it can emulate is an Ethernet adapter, thus allowing a USB cable to act as a virtual Ethernet connection. This is useful because the same USB cable can also power the RPi Zero. Just be sure to plug the cable into the port labeled "USB" instead of "PWR IN".
I had to mess with these instructions twice. I haven't troubleshooted why, I suspect that things failed on the first time around setting up the RNDIS drivers and Internet sharing. Once I got those configured correctly to automatically work, I reflashed the SD card and started again from scratch, and things worked slick.
As described above for Ethernet, after flashing the Raspbian image to the SD card, do "touch ssh" in its root directory to tell it to enable the SSH service on bootup.
Also in that root directory you'll find a file config.txt. Edit that file and add the line "dtoverlay=dwc2" to the bottom.
The dwc2 is a driver for the OTG port that auto-detects if the port should be in host mode (where you attach devices to the RPi like flash drives), or device mode (such when emulating Ethernet, serial ports, and so forth).
Also in the root directory you'll find cmdline.txt. Edit that file. It has only one very long line of text (that'll wrap terminal). Edit that line. Move the cursor to after nowait and add the text "modules-load=dwc2,g_ether".
These are the Linux command-line boot parameters. This is telling Linux to load the dwc2 driver, and configure that driver for emulating an Ethernet adapter.
Now cleanly eject the SD card, stick it in the RPi zero, and connect the USB cable. Remember to plug into the USB port on the RPi Zero not the PWR IN port.
On macOS, go to the Network System Preferences. Wait a couple minutes for the RPi Zero to boot and you should see an "RNDIS" Ethernet device appear. I've given mine a manual IP address, though I don't think it matters, because I'm going to use "Internet sharing" to share the connection anyway.
![]() |
RPi0 should now appear as RNDIS device |
By the way, "RNDIS" is the name Microsoft gave this virtual Ethernet adapter, based on the NDIS name for Ethernet drivers Microsoft first created in the 1980s. It's the name we use on macOS, Linux, BSD, Android, etc.
I struggled getting the proper IP address on this thing and ended up using Internet sharing, as described above, for this. The only change was to share the RNDIS Ethernet instead of Thunderbolt Ethernet.
![]() |
Use NAT/DHCP to allow RPi0 to share my laptop's WiFi |
As described above, now do "ssh pi@raspberrypi.local" or "ssh pi@" (IP address as appropriate), with password "raspberry".
As I mentioned above, I had to do this twice to get it to work the first time, I suspect that configuring macOS for the first time screwed things up.
The Ethernet interface will come up with the name usb0.
For the devices supporting WiFi, instead of using Ethernet we can use WiFi.To start with, we again create the ssh file to tell it to start the service:
$ touch /Volumes/boot/ssh
Now we to create a file in the SD root directory called "wpa_supplicant.conf" with contents that look like the following:
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
You need to change the SSID and password to conform to your WiFi network, as I do in the screenshot below (this is actually the local bar's network):
Safely eject the card, insert into RPi, and power it up. In the following screenshot, I'm using a battery to power the RPi, to show there is no other connection (Ethernet, USB, etc.).
I then log in from my laptop that is on the same WiFi. Again, you can use either raspberrypi.local (on a laptop using Apple's Bonjour service), or use the raw IP address, as in the following example:
This one time it didn't work. It had everything configured right, but for some reason it didn't find the WiFi network. Restarting the device fixed the problem. I'm not sure what this happened.
Enabling serial cable
The old-school way t.The first step is to go to Adafruit and buy a serial cable for $10, this device for $7, or for $6 from Amazon, and install the drivers as documented here. The cable I got requires the "SiLabs CP210X" drivers.
The next step is to edit config.txt on the SD card and add the line at the end "enable_uart=1".
Now we are ready to cleanly eject the SD card and stick in the Raspberry Pi.
First, let's hook the serial cable to the Raspberry Pi. NOTE: don't plug in the USB end into the computer yet!!! The guide at Adafruit shows which colored wires to connect to which GPIO pins.
![]() |
From Adafruit |
You have two options on how to power the board. You can either connect the red wire to the first pin (as I do in the picture below) or you can connect power as normal, such as to a second USB port on your laptop. I chose to try the serial cable to power my Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ from the serial port. I got occasional messages complaining about "undervoltage", but everything worked without corrupting the SD card (SD card corruption it often what happens with power problems).
Once you've got the serial cable attached to the Pi, then plug it into the USB port on the laptop. This should start booting up.
On Windows you can use Putty, and on Linux you can use /dev/ttyUSB0, but on the Macbook we are going to use an outgoing serial device. The first thing is to find the device, such as doing "ls /dev/cu.*" to see which devices are available. On my Macbook, I get "/dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART" as the one to use, plus some other possibilities (from Bluetooth and my iPhone) that I'm not interested in:
The command to run to connect to the Pi is:
$ sudo screen /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART 115200
You'll have to hit the return key a couple times for it to know you've connected, at which point it'll give you a command prompt.
(I've renamed the system from 'raspberrypi' in the screenshot to 'pippen').
Note that with some jumper wires you can simply connect the UART from one Raspberry Pi to another.
So here you have the various ways:
- Raspberry Pi 3 Model B/B+ - Ethernet
- Raspberry Pi 3 Model B/B+ - WiFi
- Raspberry Pi 3 Model B/B+ - Serial
- Raspberry Pi Zero/Zero W - USB Ethernet dongle
- Raspberry Pi Zero/Zero W - OTG Ethernet gadget
- Raspberry Pi Zero/Zero W - Serial
- Raspberry Pi Zero W - WiFi
It seems we should also be able to get Bluetooth serial working, but there's no support for that yet in the Raspbian build. A serial OTG gadget (that works like the Ethernet gadget) should also work in theory, but apparently it needs an extra configuration step after bootup, so can't be configured completely headless.
There are $1.50 CP2102 modules from China that work just as well for me.
The second solution requires a USB-A to MicroUSB cable but I prefer this because I leave the CP2102 module with the ODroid. I'm not sure if it supplies sufficient power to the Raspberry Pi though but I think these devices merely pass-through USB 5 volt so it should work.
Super, I'm looking for it for 3 hours on the net. A specific guide .. my smartphone refused to cooperate and exactly something happened to memory. God .. how hard to recover some data from huawei ...
I do this far too often to not be a little "offended" that you did not mention:
- change the passwords (to something LONG and WEIRD (32 characters from random will do nicely)
- add your trusted public ssh key to ~/.ssh/know_keys (for pi and / or root)
- remove all old ssh key material and create (only a) secure new one
- apply a "solid" ssh config (easy with mozilla's example minus a couple of allowed crypto you do not want anymore (nist comes to mind). BTW this will make "all" ssh scanners fail on keyexchange, makes the logs quite down).
- apt update && apt upgrade -y && apt && reboot
Now if only I was able to script this into something like
curl -sSL https://install-rpi.home | bash
I would safe myself a lot of repetative work :)
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